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Welcome to MEDP 150: Media and Film in a Digital Age,
Part 1!

Class Times:

Lecture is Wednesdays 7:10pm-9pm Online via Zoom Meeting ID: 823 4760 9489

Syllabus: Click Here

Lab is in HN 544 Fridays,

Section 1L07 - Fr 1:30PM - 3:20PM

Section 1L08 - Fr 4:00PM - 5:50PM

Office Hours:

Thursdays 2-3PM on Zoom- no need to email ahead, you can drop in at any time unless otherwise noted:

Meeting ID: 401 513 8513
Passcode: MEDP150

Feel free to contact me over email at any time,

You will post all of your assignments within your personal Glitch site unless otherwise noted.

Over the last three decades, dramatic changes in media technology have resulted in a fundamental reconsideration of the once strict borders between print, design, architecture, computational and other media arts. In today's world, being a medialiterate citizen requires understanding and being able to communicate using computer graphics and digital media. MEDP/FILMP 150, one part of a 2-semester sequence, introduces students to the practical fundamentals of visual communication, design, digital graphics and illustration, web design, networks, digital photography, and new media art in a lecture/lab format. It is a foundations course in 2D design and computer media presented in the integrated fashion that today's media practitioners work in.

Below you can check out your fellow classmate's websites!

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