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You have made it either to the end of the game or were curious enough to click!


We are so happy you decided to play this game and would love to give you a few helpful links to check out in light of mental health awareness or for your own journey through a state of depression or your own "Dark Night of the Soul."


In spirituality, the dark night of the soul is a period of depression in which one loses their sense of self so completely, they may not know who they are anymore. 


Follow the link here to discover more about Eckhart Tolle's description of the "Dark Night of the Soul."


Click here a terrific self-help reference site by Tiny Buddha!

They also host a lively forum by members and admins here!


Or click here for affordable virtual therapy hosted by Theralink which hosts text only or video based chats.


None of these links are sponsored and are here for you at any time! Just from a fellow soul who may have walked a similar path and found these to be of help.

But the best help you can get is from yourself, your family, and friends. Or even your pets as shown in the game!




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